Send an SMS

HTTP API sends a text message using POST and form-encoded data. The URL you use to send a text message has a required field called api_key, which is unique and assigned to your account.

The other required parameters for the Request are method, sender, to and message, which are used to define the destination phone number and the message body. If you want to send to multiple phone numbers, provide the numbers in comma separated format.

To send an SMS using the HTTP API, the following URL format is used:

curl -X POST \

API Parameter Specifications

The API parameter specifications are described in the following sections.

Mandatory Parameters

The mandatory parameters in the HTTP API are tabulated below:

Parameter Description Expected Values
method Predefined method sms
sender Sender ID assigned to your account Sender ID
to Receiver Mobile number to which SMS needs to be sent. It can be with or without 91. Also provide multiple numbers in comma separated format. Mobile number (GET-10 numbers, POST-100 numbers)
message Message to be sent Message text which is URL encoded (1000 char for normal, 500 for Unicode)

Optional Parameters

The optional parameters in the HTTP API are tabulated below:

Parameter Description Expected Values
dlrurl The encoded URL to receive delivery reports. Spiffing custom in the DLR url is mandatory. delivery reports URL
custom Custom message ID by customer, comma separated Alphanumeric (max 40 char)
time Date and time for scheduling an SMS EX Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS OR YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM AM/PM
unicode To specify that the message to be sent is in unicode format. Also can be used for automatic detection of unicode SMS. 1 / 0 / auto
flash To specify that the message is to be sent in the flash format 1 or 0

Advanced Parameters(Optional)

The advanced parameters in the HTTP API are tabulated below:

Parameter Description Expected Values
format Output format should be as specified by this variable XML/JSON/JSONP. Default response will be in JSON
callback Callback function for JSONP response format String
custom1 & custom2 Custom reference fields Alphanumeric (max 40 char)
port Port number to which SMS has to be sent Valid integer port number above 2000

Example Responses

  1. JSON
  "status": "OK",
  "data": [
      "id": "811436f5-0053-4ea6-8cac-b035880b8473:1",
      "customid": "1",
      "customid1": "11",
      "customid2": "22",
      "mobile": "95XXXXXXXXX",
      "status": "AWAITED-DLR"
      "id": "811436f5-0053-4ea6-8cac-b035880b8473:2",
      "customid": "2",
      "customid1": "1",
      "customid2": "2",
      "mobile": "97XXXXXXXX",
      "status": "AWAITED-DLR"
  "message": "Campaign of 2 numbers Submitted successfully."
  1. XML
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <message>Campaign of 2 numbers Submitted successfully.</message>

Error Responses

  "message": "Your api account got suspended"

Response Data

Parameter Description
status It indicates the success or failure of your request.
message It indicates the success or failure message.
group_id Website group id for your reference. Which is the current date
data All the response is wrapped in side data
sms Each number will be wrapped inside sms
id Website message id for your reference
customid Custom message id if you provide one
customid1 Custom message id 1 if you provide one
customid2 Custom message id 2 if you provide one
mobile Receiver Mobile number
status status of the message

Send a Unicode SMS

Unicode SMS is basically a message which can be in regional language. In India, SMS can be sent in Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, English, etc type of languages. To send a unicode SMS using the HTTP API, the following URL format is used:

API Parameter Specifications

Additional API parameter specifications are described in the following sections.

curl -X POST \

Mandatory Parameters

The mandatory parameters in the HTTP API are tabulated below:

Parameter Description Expected
unicode To specify that the message to be sent is in unicode format. Also can be used for automatic detection of unicode SMS. 1 / 0 / auto

Schedule an SMS

This API can let user schedule SMS to single as well as multiple recipients at anytime. SMS cannot be scheduled before 5 minutes and after 3 months from the date of scheduling the SMS. To schedule an SMS using the HTTP API, the following URL format is used:

API Parameter Specifications

Additional API parameter specifications are described in the following sections.

curl -X POST \

Mandatory Parameters

The mandatory parameters in the HTTP API are tabulated below:

Parameter Description Expected Values
time Date and time for scheduling an SMS EX Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS OR YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM AM/PM

Sending a Port SMS

Using the below API, one can send a normal or unicode SMS to a particular port. Application port numbers can be used in SMS messages to deliver a particular SMS to an application on a mobile phone. If any application is present and running in that particular port, the text will be received as port SMS else the message will hit the native inbox of the mobile phone.

NOTE: The API tries to hit the application(port) for 10 seconds, if unsuccessful the message is delivered on the native inbox

To send a port SMS using the HTTP API, the following URL format is used:

API Parameter Specifications

The API parameter specifications are described in the following sections.

curl -X POST \

Mandatory Parameters

The mandatory parameters in the HTTP API are tabulated below:

Paramenters Descriptions Values
port Port number to which SMS has to be sent Valid integer port number above 2000