Pull logs for Individual Txtly

Here is an API to pull logs for individual txtly from our account:

curl -X POST \

API Parameter Specifications

The API parameter specifications are described in the following sections.

Mandatory Parameters

The mandatory parameters in the HTTP API are tabulated below:

Parameter Description Expected Values
URL URL of your SMS Service URL
method Predefined method txtly.logs
app Txtly Application Logs 1
id Id of the txtly for which you want logs 123

Example Responses


    "status": "OK", 
    "message": "OK",
            "log_id": "11219199",
            "fkuserid": "7458555458",
            "fk_link_id": "426272",
            "client_ip": "240520452894295621769",
            "scheme": "",
            "host": "",
            "query_string": "",
            "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 
            (Linux; Android 7.0; Moto G(4)
            (KHTML,like Gecko)          
            Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Mobile Safari/537.36",
            "browser": "Chrome Mobile",
            "browser_version": "55.0.2883.",
            "browser_lang": "en",
            "browser_engine": "Blink",
            "resolution": "",
            "platform": "Android",
            "platform_version": "7.0",
            "device_type": "smartphone",
            "device_brand": "Motorola",
            "device_version": "",
            "device_model": "",
            "touch_enabled": "0",
            "latitude": "",
            "longitude": "",
            "country": "",
            "region": "",
            "city": "",
            "status": "1",
            "created": "10-Feb 06:09 PM",
            "mobile": null,
            "serial": 1 
            "now": 1, 
            "next": false, 
            "page": 1,
            "limit": 25,
            "limitstart": 0,
            "total": 1,
            "extra": null 